
Monday, February 23, 2015

10 reasons why the British royal family has Indian blood!

New Delhi, July 19: The British royal family has Indian blood, a researcher discovered last month. One of their direct descendants was from Gujarat, a DNA expert at the University of Edinburgh found.
But of course! With their big noses and huge number of family members, it now seems obvious that the British royal family has upper-class Indian blood. How could we have missed the clues?
1) Their weddings are massive and interminable. 2) Curry has been declared the national dish of Britain. 3) Their family life is like a Bollywood soap opera, parties alternating with melodrama. 4) I bet passionate greenie Prince Charles dances around trees when no one is looking. 5) The main family finances come from palatial property holdings.
Why UK royal family has Indian blood
There's more. 6) None of them have real jobs. 7) Despite living in the 21st century, they still think that living in a huge house with a massive number of servants is okay. 8) The young ones are terrible at studying, but still get into fancy private schools. 9) The men wear fancier clothes than the women. 10) There are endless disputes over tradition between old and young.
The surprising reports of Prince William carrying a sliver of Indian ancestry, emerged last month.
Attention was focused on the city of Surat in the state of Gujarat after it was revealed that Eliza Kewark , the prince's great, great, great, great, great grandmother, was of Indian origin.
In 1812, Kewark gave birth to Prince Williams's great, great, great, great grandmother, Katharine Scott Forbes, the Independent reported.
Scottish-based company Britains DNA carried out tests on DNA supplied by two of Eliza's living direct descendants, who are both third cousins of Princess Diana's mother, Frances Shand Kydd.
The tests revealed that William carries Kewark's mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
DNA analysis revealed that 30-year-old Duke of Cambridge, second-in-line to the throne, will be the first British king with proven Indian ancestry.
(With Agency inputs)

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